Dak Nong Province


Dak Nong Province:

Dak Nong Province, nestled in Vietnam’s Central Highlands, held the 57th rank in terms of population among Vietnam’s provinces and cities in 2021. It achieved a remarkable 52nd position for Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP), and ranked 47th in per capita GRDP. Furthermore, its GRDP growth rate was impressive, securing the 7th position nationwide.
In 2021, the province’s population stood at 660,135. Its GRDP skyrocketed to 20.7 thousand billion VND, which is approximately 896.1 million USD. The per capita GRDP was about 59.61 million VND, roughly translating to 2,600 USD. Moreover, the province boasted a robust GRDP growth rate of 8.63%.
The establishment of Dak Nong dates back to January 1, 2004.The establishment of it was in conformity with the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 22/2003/QH11, promulgated on November 26, 2003. This marked the separation of a significant area and population from Dak Lak province, thus creating the province we now know as Dak Nong.

Geography of Dak Nong province:

Geographical location:

Situated in Vietnam’s southwestern gateway to the Central Highlands, Dak Nong spans coordinates from 11°45′ to 12°50′ north and from 107°12′ to 108°07′ east. The provincial capital, Gia Nghia, lies 125 km from Buon Ma Thuot city. Additionally, it is approximately 250 km south of Ho Chi Minh City, roughly 689 km north of Da Nang, and around 1358 km north of Hanoi.

Sharing its eastern and northern borders with Dak Lak province, Dak Nong also has its western boundary concurrent with Binh Phuoc province and Cambodia’s Mondulkiri, spanning about 141 km. Moreover, it borders Lam Dong province to the south and southeast.

In terms of extremities, Dak Plao commune in Dak Glong district represents the easternmost point of the province. On the other hand, Quang Truc commune in Tuy Duc district lies at the westernmost point. Further, the southernmost point is marked by Hung Binh commune in Dak R’lap district, while the northernmost point is Ea Po commune in Cu Jut district.

Lastly, Dak Nong houses two international border gates with Cambodia, specifically Dak Per located in Dak Mil district and Bup’rang in Tuy Duc district.

Natural condition:

Dak Nong, located on the M’Nong plateau, stands at an average height of 600 to 700 meters above sea level, reaching up to 1,982 meters at Ta Dung. Its landscape, rich and diverse, slopes gradually from east to west. The province is a blend of high mountains, vast plateaus, and low flatlands.
Dak Nong’s climate merges characteristics of the Central Highlands and Southeast regions. Although it’s a tropical monsoon climate, the highland terrain adds unique features. Influenced by the hot dry Southwest monsoon, the province experiences distinct rainy and dry seasons. The rainy season runs from April to November, accounting for over 90% of annual rainfall, averaging 2,513mm. The dry season lasts from December to March with minimal rainfall. Average annual temperature ranges from 22-23°C, with extremes from 14°C to 35°C. This climate is ideal for tropical perennial crops but is challenged by rainfall inconsistency and temperature fluctuations, impacting water supply and crop seasons.
Dak Nong boasts a network of rivers, lakes, and dams, useful for agricultural, industrial water supply, and hydropower construction. The province’s fertile and varied soils are divided into five main groups, mainly gray and red basalt. Agricultural land makes up 47% of the total natural area, primarily dedicated to long-term industrial crops.


In 2021, Dak Nong’s economic growth was second in the Central Highlands and seventh nationally. Its GRDP reached VND 20,728 billion ($896.1 million), an 8.63% increase from the previous year. Per capita income was estimated at VND 59.61 million ($2,225). State budget revenue reached VND 2,847 billion, surpassing local estimates by 103.74% and exceeding the previous year by 112.25%.

Economically, agriculture, forestry, and fisheries made up 38.11% of the GRDP, while the industrial and construction sectors accounted for 18.74%. Services comprised 38.69%, with taxes and subsidies at 4.46%. The total food production was 317,500 tons, nearly meeting the target. Coffee production reached 140,069 tons, and 75% of rural households accessed clean water.

In 2022, the Provincial People’s Committee surpassed 11/11 socio-economic targets. GRDP growth rate was 7.59%, a slight increase over the plan. State budget revenue reached VND 3,475 billion, exceeding the plan by 15.8%. Total social investment capital was VND 19,280 billion, a 14.5% increase from 2021. The poverty rate decreased by over 3%, and the poverty rate among ethnic minorities fell by over 5%.

Retail sales and service revenues reached VND 19,312 billion, a 21% increase. Tourism arrivals in Dak Nong reached 480,000, a 280.6% increase. The province continued to focus on rural development, with three more communes meeting new rural standards. Social security, cultural, educational, environmental sectors, administrative reforms, digital transformation, and corruption prevention continued to receive attention, with positive changes noted. National defense, security, and social order were maintained.



As of April 1, 2019, Dak Nong’s population was 622,168, with 15.04% living in urban areas and 84.96% in rural areas. The gender distribution was nearly even, with males at 51.15% and females at 48.85%. The total fertility rate in 2018 was 1.82 children per woman, sustaining the replacement level. The average life expectancy in 2018 was 69.92 years, with males living an average of 67.11 years and females 72.9 years. By 2022, the urbanization rate reached 30%.

As of the same date, the province had 12 religions, with Catholicism being the most prominent, followed by Protestantism and Buddhism. Other religions, including Hoa Hao Buddhism, Minh Ly Dao, and Islam, had smaller followings.

According to the General Statistics Office of Vietnam, as of April 1, 2009, Dak Nong was home to 40 ethnic groups. The Kinh people were the most populous, followed by the Mnong, Nung, and Mong ethnic groups. Other ethnic groups included the Tay, Dao, Thai, Ma, E De, Hoa, and Muong.

By 2020, Dak Nong spanned 6,509.27 km², housing a population of 637,907, resulting in a population density of 98 people per km².



As of September 30, 2011, Dak Nong Province had 240 schools. This included 22 high schools, 82 junior high schools, and 136 primary schools, with an additional 89 kindergartens. This education system has contributed to literacy improvement in the province. The Nguyen Chi Thanh Specialized High School is also located here, at No. 8 Le Duan Street, Gia Nghia City.
Fast forward to the end of 2022, the province boasted 367 educational institutions, 41 of which were private. Out of 316 public kindergartens and primary schools, 179 met national standards, reaching 56.65%. Specifically, there were 126 preschools, with 45.5% meeting national standards. Of the 119 primary schools, 61.53% met national standards. Among the 79 junior high schools, 67.53% met national standards. Out of 33 high schools, 43.75% met national standards. The province also had eight continuing education centers and two inclusive education centers, along with one private center.


According to the 2011 health statistics, Dak Nong Province had 79 health care facilities under the Department of Health, including 8 health stations and 71 commune health stations. These facilities had 1029 beds, 258 doctors, 596 medical assistants, 859 nurses, and about 483 midwives.

Dak Nong General Hospital, the province’s main hospital, has infrastructure and equipment limitations. Consequently, patients often transfer to larger hospitals like Cho Ray Hospital and Da Nang Hospital. Others go to Bach Mai Hospital or the Central Highlands General Hospital. In response, the provincial health sector is enhancing human resources. They are also learning modern techniques and attending training courses from bigger hospitals.

The Department of Health consists of 14 units, including six provincial units: the Population and Family Planning Office, the Food Safety Office, the Provincial General Hospital, the Medical Examination Center, the Forensic Center, and the Disease Control Center. There are also eight district/city Health Centers. In total, the department has over 2,000 civil servants and employees, with an official quota of 2186/2156. Among these, there are 507 doctors (149 postgraduates), 11 public health graduates and masters, and 1668 other specialists.

The provincial general hospital has 380 beds, staffed by 411 healthcare workers (119 doctors, 24 pharmacists, 149 nurses, 32 technicians, and 87 other specialists).

The district level includes seven multifunctional health centers with 915 beds and 991 healthcare workers (249 doctors, 106 pharmacists, 261 nurses, 59 technicians, and 316 other specialists).

At the commune level, there are 71 communes, wards, and towns with 561 healthcare workers (85 doctors, 73 pharmacists, 148 nurses, and 225 other specialists).


Dak Nong, once a region of Dak Lak, boasts a rich cultural diversity derived from its many ethnic groups. Traditional customs and structures, like stilt houses, communal houses, and tomb sculptures, add an intriguing mystique to the area. Folklore like the “Dam San” epic, spanning thousands of verses, further accentuates the region’s uniqueness.
The region prides itself on traditional musical instruments, like the M’Nong stone musical set or the ancient stone gongs found in Dak R’lap. Other instruments, like T’rưng, K’lông pút, water instruments, horns, and flutes, also grace the cultural landscape. During festivals, visitors can experience these instruments played in unison, as villagers dance around bonfires to their rhythmic beats.
Dak Nong is not only the ancestral home of numerous indigenous ethnic groups but also a cultural melting pot for settlers from various regions, resulting in a rich spiritual, religious, and belief-based lifestyle.
Moreover, the locals, especially indigenous ethnic groups, revere a multitude of deities like Yàng (Sky), Mountain, and River Gods. They celebrate numerous vibrant festivals such as the Buffalo Sacrifice, Housewarming, Harvest Celebration, and Ancestor Worshiping, adding to the province’s cultural richness.

Industrial Park


Tam Thang Industrial Park - Dak Nong

Tam Thang Industrial Park - Dak Nong

  • Investor: The Tâm Thắng Industrial Zone Infrastructure Development Company
  • Price: 30 USD/m2
  • Area: 181 Ha
Nhan Co Industrial Park

Nhan Co Industrial Park

  • Investor: Project Management Board of Civil and Industrial Construction Works
  • Price: Updating
  • Area: 548
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